Friday, November 6, 2009

Email Marketing Tips, Tricks and Secrets

1.Address Recipients with Their Name in Email Campaigns
Make your newsletter recipients feel more like themselves, less like mere numbers by greeting them individually and personally.

2. Avoid $$$ Signs in Email Marketing Campaigns
Why "$$$" won't bring you $$$.

3. Avoid Email Marketing During the Holidays
Holidays are often holidays from email, too. That's why email marketing during the holidays is often not very effective.

4. Avoid Mistyped Addresses by Requiring Retyping
Avoiding having people enter @htomail.cmo and in the signup form for your newsletter.

5. Create a Clear Call to Action in Email Marketing Campaigns
Make sure recipients of your email marketing message know what you expect them to do (and what they can expect in return).

6. Defining Opt-In Email Marketing
My newsletter is "opt-in", sure! What that means? Um... well. yes.

7. Don't "Fix" Mistyped Email Addresses
Never fiddle with your subscribers' email addresses, not even if they obviously can't type.

8. Don't Forget the Preview Pane in Your Campaign
Move the boring stuff down the page, and greet recipients with your best offer instead.

9. Email Marketing Needs to Reflect Your Corporate Design
If it's your email marketing, make people see instantly that it is your email marketing.

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